Pronunciación: I’m Calling You de la película Bagdad Café

Letra con la Pronunciación Fonética:  I’m Calling You de la película Bagdad Café cantada por Jevetta Steele

A desert road from Vegas to nowhere… A desert roud from Vegas tu nowue’
some place better than where you’re been… Som pleis bere’ danu wue’ yiu’ biin
A coffee machine that needs some fixing… A kofi mashin da’ niids som fixen’
In a little cafe just around the bend… In a lirel café yos’ arraun’ de ben’
I am calling you… Aaaaaaayam cooolin’ yiu
Can’t you hear me… Kan’ yiu jier mi
I am calling you… Aaaaaay am cooolin’ yiu
A hot dry wind blows right through me… A jat dray wuin’ belous rai’ tru’ mi
The baby’s crying and I can’t sleep… De beibys crayin’ an’ay can’ esliip
But we both know a change is coming… Bat jui bou’ nou a cheinch is comin’
coming closer, sweet release… Comin’ clouse’, suit riliis

I am calling you
Can’t you hear me
I am calling you
I am calling you
Can’t you hear me
I am calling you
A desert road from Vegas to nowhere
Some place better than where you’ve been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little cafe just around the bend
A hot dry wind blows right through me
The baby’s crying and I can’t sleep
But we both know a change is coming
coming closer, sweet release
I am calling you
can’t you hear me
I am calling you

Jevetta Steele lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
“I’m Calling You” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.