The Dope Show de Marilyn Manson

Aprende la letra y a cantar en inglés con la pronunciación: The Dope Show de Marilyn Manson


The drugs they say make us feel so hollow… D’ d’ d’ drags ‘ sey (tu) meikas fiil so jaloo
We love in vain narcissistic and so shallow… Wui lov in vein narcisistic en’ so shaloo
The cops and queers to swim you have to swallow… D’ cops en’ kuirs tu suim yiu jav’ tu sualou
Hate today, no love for tomorrow… Jeit tidey, no lov for tumorrou

We’re all stars now in the dope show… Wui’ ol estars nao in de doup shou
We’re all stars now in the dope show

There’s a lot of pretty, pretty ones… Ders ‘ lots of priry, priry wuans
That want to get you high… Da’ wuan’ nu guet yiu jai’
But all the pretty, pretty ones… Bot ol de priry, priry wuans
Will leave you low and blow your mind… Wui’ liiv yiu lou n’ blou yio’ main’

We’re all stars now in the dope show
We’re all stars now in the dope show

They love you when you’re on all the covers… Dey lov yiu wuen yior on ol de covers
When you’re not then they love another… Wuen yio’ nat den dey lov’ anatder

The drugs they say are made in California… De drags dey sey ar’ meid in California
We love your face… Wui lov’ yio’ feis
We’d really like to sell you… Wui’ rily laik tu sel yiu
The cops and queers make good-looking models… De cops ‘n kuirs meik guud-lukin’ morels
I hate today… A’ jeit tidey
Who will I wake up with tomorrow?… Ju wua’ wueikap wuitd tumorroo?


They love you when you’re on all the covers
When you’re not then they love another


Blow and blow your mind… Blou n’ lou yio’ main’ e

We’re all stars now in the dope show
We’re all stars now in the dope show


Writer(s): Jeordie White, Brian Hugh Warner
Copyright: Dinger And Ollie Music