Pronunciación y Letra: Crying Lightning de Arctic Monkeys

Aprende la letra y a cantar en inglés con la pronunciación: Crying Lightning de Arctic Monkeys


Outside the café by the cracker factory… Au’sai’ de cafe bay de craker faktorry
You were practicing a magic trick… Yiu wuer practicin’ a mayik trik
And my thoughts got rude,… And ma’ togts got ruud
As you talked and chewed… As yiu tok’ en’ chud
On the last of your pick’n’mix… On de las’ of yio’ pik n’ mics

Said, “You’re mistaken if you’re thinking that I haven’t been called ‘cold’ before.”… Sed, “Yior misteiken if yior tinkin’ daray javen’ biin col’ coul’ bifor”
As you bit into your strawberry lace… As yiu birintu yior estroberry leis
And offered me your attention in the form of a gobstopper… En’ ofer’ mi yior atenshon in de form of a gabstoper
It’s all you had left and it was going to waste… Its ol yiu jad lef’ en’ it wuas goin’ nu wueist
Your past times consisted of the strange,… Yior pas’ taims consisted of de estrench
The twisted and deranged… De tuisted en’ derrench
And I loved that little game you had called “Crying Lightning”… En’ a’ lov’ dat litel gueim yiu jad cold “Crayin’ lai’nin'”
And how you like to aggravate the ice-cream man on rainy afternoons… En’ jao yiu laik tu agraveit de ais-criim man on reiny afternuuns
The next time that I caught my own reflection… De necs’ taim daray cog’ ma’ oun reflekshon
It was on its way to meet you… It wuas on its wuey ru mit yiu
Thinking of excuses to postpone… Tdinkin’ of ecskiuses tu pos’poun
You never looked like yourself from the side… Yiu never luk’ laik yiorself from de sai’
But your profile could not hide… B’ yior profail cud not jai’
The fact you knew I was approaching your throne… De fac’ yiu niu a’ wuas aprochin’ yior tdroun
With folded arms you occupied the bench like toothache… Wuit folded arms yiu okiupai’ de bench laik tuuteik
Stood and puffed your chest out like you’d never lost a war… Estud en’ pafd yior ches taut laik yiu’ never los’ a wuar
And though I tried so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction… En’ tdo’ a’ tray’ so not tu safer de indigniry of a reakshon
There was no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw… Der wuas no craks tu grasp or gaps ‘u clo And your past times consisted of the strange,… En’ yior past taims consisted of di estrench
The twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called “Crying Lightning”
And how you like to aggravate the icky man on rainy afternoons… En’ jao yiu laik tu agravieit de iky man on reiny afternuuns

Uninviting… An-invairin’
But not half as impossible as everyone assumes… Bo’ not ja’f as imposibol as evrywuan asiums
You are crying lightning… Yiu ar’ crayin’ lai’nin’

Your past times consisted of the strange,
The twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called “Crying Lightning”
“Crying Lightning”…
“Crying Lightning”
“Crying Lightning”

Your past times consisted of the strange,
The twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game you had called “Crying…”… En’ a’ jeit dat litel gueim yiu jad cold “Crayin’…

Writer(s): Alex Turner
Copyright: Emi Music Publishing Ltd.