Pronunciación y Letra:Don’t forget where you belong-One Direction

Letras de One Direction


Letra con la Pronunciación Fonética y Video Oficial de la canción: Don’t forget where you belong-One Direction


Been a lot of places… Biin a lot of pleices
I’ve been all around the world… Ayv biin ol araund de wuorld
Seen a lot of faces… Siin a lot of feices
Never knowing where I was… Never nowuin wuer ay wuas

On the horizon… On de oraizon
Oh, well, I know, I know, I know, I know the sun will be rising… Oh, w’l, ay now, ay now, ay now, ay now de san wuil bi raisin
Back home… Bak joum

Living out of cases,… Livin aut of keises
Packing up and taking off… Pakin ap and teikin off
Made a lot of changes… Meid a lot of chein-yes
But not forgetting who I was… Bat not fo’guerin juu ay wuas

On the horizon.
Oh, well, I know, I know, I know, I know the moon will be rising… Uh, w’l, ay now, ay now, ay now, ay now de muun wuil bi raisin
Back home.

Don’t forget where you belong–home…. Dont forguet wuer yiu bilon-joom
Don’t forget where you belong–home.
If you ever feel alone–don’t… If yiu ever fiil aloon-dont
You were never on your own… Yiu wuer never on yior oun
And the proof is in this song… And de pruuf is in dis son

I’ve been away for ages.. Ayv biin awuey for ei-yes
But I’ve got everything I need… Bat ayv gat evrytdin ay niid
I’m flicking through the pages… Aym flikin tdru de pei-yes
I’ve written in my memory… Ayv wruiren in may memory

I feel like I’m dreaming… Ay fiil laik aym driimin
Oh, so I know, I know, I know, I know that I’m never leaving… Oh, so ay now, ay now, ay now, ay now dat aym never liivin
No, I won’t go… Noo, ay wuont gou

Don’t forget where you belong–home.
Don’t forget where you belong–home.
If you ever feel alone–don’t.
You were never on your own.
And the proof is in this song.

Lights off when they should be on… Laigts off wuen dey shuud bi on
Even stars in the skies, they’re wrong… Iv’n estars in de eskays, deir wruong
Short days when the nights are long… Short deys wuen de naigts ar long
When I think of the things I’ve done… Wuen ay tdink of de tdings ayv don
Don’t matter how far I’ve gone–… Dont marer jaw far ayv goun
I’m always feeling at home… Aym olwueys fiilin at joom

Don’t forget where you belong–home.
Don’t forget where you belong (don’t forget it)–home… Dont forguet wuer yiu bilon (dont forgueret)-jo-om
If you ever feel alone–don’t.
You were never on your own.
Never, never… Never, never

Don’t forget where you belong–home.
Don’t forget where you belong (don’t forget it)–home.
If you ever feel alone–don’t.
You were never on your own (you were never)… Yiu wuer never on yior oun (yiu wuer never)
And the proof is in this song… And de pruuf is in dis song

Home… Jo-om
Don’t forget it… Dont forgueret
If you ever feel alone–don’t.
You were never on your own (you were never).
And the proof is in this song.

Never forget it… Never forgueret
This song… Dis song
Don’t forget it!
No, I never forget it… No, ay never forgueret
This song.
You were never… Yiu wuer neever

ONE DIRECTION lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
“Don’t Forget Where You Belong” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.