Letra y Pronunciación: Wake Up Dead de Megadeth

Letras/Lyrics de Megadeth


Letra con la Pronunciación Fonética y Video Oficial de la canción: Wake Up Dead de Megadeth y Dave Mustaine


I sneak in my own house,… Ay esniik in may oun jaus
It’s four in the morning,… Its foor in de mornin’
I had too much to drink,… Ay jad tuu mach tshu drink
Said I was out with the boys,… Sed ay wuas aut witd de boys
I creep in my bedroom,… Ay criip in may bedruum
I slip into bed,… Ay eslip intu bed
I know if I wake her,… Ay nou if ay wueik ‘er
I’ll wake up dead,… Ayl wueik ap deed


Woah.. Wuuu
I wonder, will she find out,… Ay wuonder, wuil shi faindaut
About the other, other lover,… Baut di oders, otder lover
Diana… Dayana

Wake up dead, you die,… Wueik ap deed, yiu day
Wake up dead, and buried,… Wueik ap deed, and berrid
Wake up dead, you die,
Wake up dead… Wueik ap deed


Copyright: Mustaine Music