Dope de Lady Gaga

Aprende la letra y a cantar en inglés con la pronunciación: Dope de Lady Gaga


[Verse 1:]
Corks off, it’s on… Corks of, its on
The party’s just begun… De parys yias’ bigan
I promise this… Ay promis dis
Drink is my last one… Drink is may las’ wuan
I know I fucked up again… Ay nou ay fakdap aguen
‘Cause I lost my only friend… Coz ay los’ may only fren’
God forgive my sins… God forguiva may sins
Don’t leave me, I… Don’ liiv mi, ay
Oh, I’ll hate myself until I die… Oh, a’l ‘eit may self antil ay day

My heart would break without you… May jar’ wol’ breik wuidau’ yiu
Might not awake without you… Mai’ not awueik wuidau’ yiu
Been hurting low from living high for so long… Biin jerden’ lou from livin’ jai’ for so lon’
I’m sorry, and I love you… A’m sorry, en’ ay lov yiu
Stay with me, “Bell Bottom Blue”… Estey wuit mi, “Bel Barom Blu”
I’ll keep on searching for an answer ‘cause I need you more than dope… Ayl kiipon serchin’ for an anser coz a’ niid yiu mor dan doop
I need you more than dope… Ay niid yiu mor dan doop
Need you more than dope… Niid yiu mor dan doup
I need you more than dope
I need you more than dope
[Verse 2:]
Toast one last puff… Tous’ wuan las’ paff
And two last regrets… An’ tshu las’ rigrets
Three spirits and… Tdrii espirrits an’
Twelve lonely steps… Tuelv lounly esteps
Up heaven’s stairway to gold… Ap jevens esterwuey tu gol’
Mine myself like coal… Main mayself laik cool
A mountain of his soul… A maontein of ‘iiis soul
Each day, I cry… Ich dey, ay cray
Oh, I feel so low from living high… Oh, ay fiil so lou from livin’ jai’


I need you more… A’ niid yiu mooor
Need you more… Niid yiu mor
I need you more than dope

Writer(s): Paul Edward Blair, Dino Zisis, Nick Monson, Stefani Germanotta
Copyright: Maxwell And Carter Global Publishing, House Of Gaga Publishing LLC, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, Universal Music Corp., Glostream Music Publishing, Maxwell And Carter Publishing LLC, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp., WB Music Corp.