Letras de Shakira – That Way
Letra con la Pronunciación Fonética y Video de la canción: That Way de Shakira
I’ve got my baggage… Ayv gat may bageich
And you’ve got yours… And yuv gat yiors
I know we’ve been damaged… Ay now wiv bin damech
Been through it all… Bin tru et ol
And you know that feeling… And yiu now dat filin
Just before a beautiful disaster… Yast bifor a biuriful disaster
Right on the top… Raigt on de top
Looking down from the terrifying… Lukin dawn from de terrifayin
Rolling roller coaster… Rowlin roler coster
Oh, baby, can you hear the sound?… Oh, beiby, can yiu jir de saund?
My broken heart’s beating faster now… May browken jarts birin faster naw
In your arms… In yior arms
But I know that I’m safe here in your arms… Bat ay now dat aim seif jir in yior arms
Lay down… Ley dawn
Lay down your head on my shoulder… Ley dawn yior jed on may shoulder
Hey now… Jey naw
Let’s just depart from the notion… Lets yast depart from de nowshion
That I love you too much… Dat ay lov yiu tu match
And I’m here to stay… And aym jir tu estey
I’m not giving up… Aym not givin ap
I’m not running away… Aym not ranin awey
So we’re going to leave it that way… So wier goin tu liv et dat wey
That way… Dat wey
This is much bigger than you and I… Dis is match biger dan yiu and ay
To live without love would be suicide… Tu liv widaut lov wud bi siusaid
I think you’ll would soon close your pretty eyes… Ay tdink yul wud sun clows yior priry ays
I like you hear your breathing… Ay laik yiu jir yior britdin
It’s like the soundtrack of your life… Its laik de saundtrak of yior laif
The only memory I’m keeping… De only memory aym kipin
Oh, baby, can you hear the sound?
Your broken heart is beating faster now
In my arms… In may arms
I promise that you’re safe here in my arms… Ay promis dat yuar seif jir in may arms
Lay down
Lay down your head on my shoulder
Hey now
Let’s just depart from the notion
That I love you too much
And I’m here to stay
I’m not giving up
I’m not running away
So we’re going to leave it that way
We’re going to leave it that way… Wier goin tu liv et dat wey
That way
SHAKIRA lyrics are property and copyright of their owners.
“That Way” lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.