Letras de Selena Gomez
Letra con la Pronunciación Fonética y Video Oficial de la canción: Naturally-Selena Gomez and the Scene
How you choose to express yourself… Jaw yiu chuuz tu expres yiorself
It’s all your own and I can tell… Its ol yior own and ay can tel
It comes naturally, it comes naturally… It comz natchurly, it comz natchiurly
You follow what you feel inside… Yiu folow wat yiu fiil insaid
It’s intuitive, you don’t have to try… Its intuiiriv, yiu dont jav tu tray
It comes naturally, mmmm, it comes naturally
And it takes my breath away (away, away, away)… And it teiks may bretd awey (awey, awey, awey)
You are the thunder and I am the lightning… Yiu ar de tander and ay am de laigtnin
And I love the way you know who you are and to me it’s exciting… And ay lov de wey yiu now ju yiu ar and tu mi its ex-airin
When you know it’s meant to be… Wen yiu now its ment tu bii
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally… Evrytdin comz natshiurly, et comz natchiurlii
When you’re with me, baby… Wen yuor wit mi, beiby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
Ba-ba-baby… Bey-bey-beiby
You have a way of moving me… Yiu jav a wey of muvin mi
A force of nature, your energy… A forz of neitchiur, yior eneryi
It comes naturally (you know it does), it comes naturally… Et comz natchiurly (yiu now et daz), et comz natshiurlii
Mmmm, yeah… Mmmm, yiea
And it takes my breath away (away, away) every time… And it teiks may bretddd awey (awey, awey) evry taim
What you do so naturally
You are the thunder and I am the lightning… Yiu ar de tander and ay am de laigtnin
And I love the way you know who you are and to me it’s exciting… And ay lov de wey yiu now ju yiu ar and tu mi its ex-airin
When you know it’s meant to be… Wen yiu now its ment tu bii
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally… Evrytdin comz natshiurly, et comz natcherlii
When you’re with me, baby… Wen yuor wit mi, beiby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
Ba-ba-baby… Bey-bey-beiby
When we collide sparks fly… Wen wi colaid esparks flay
When you look in my eyes… Wen yiu luuk in may ays
It takes my breath away… It teiks may bretd awey
Everything, baby, comes naturally… Evrytdin, beiby, comz nat-shiurly
Copyright: Akashic Field Music, Songs Of Universal Inc.